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Baptism ceremony at Arni Centre.

Baptism at Arni Centre:

On 03:08:2014 four people took baptism from Ariyalam village in Arni Christian Communication Centre at 8:30 am morning service.  Pr.John Ebenezer, Bro.John Ravi, Evangelist. Johnson and Apostle Ebenezer participated in this special occasion.  

History of Ariyalam Church;
Ravi is a worker of Arni Market came to know Jesus Christ by 2008, Pastor Doss shared Christ and lead him to join with Christian Communication Centre.

Arni Centre leaders are mended with the world of God and opened different links with member of Christ body in the local churches and finally sent him to Pr.Raja to take baptism and attend the Church.  After his salvation Ravi started to study Bible College in Evangelical Church of India and Tiruchi Rajenderan feed him to grow up in faith and became a Leader.

Ravi's Ministries;
Ravi is passionate to love own people to share the Gospel through evening children’s ministry every week Friday with the help of Christian Communication Centre staff to share love of God.
After two year hard works two family came to know our Lord Jesus Christ to accept to take baptism at Arni Christian Communication Centre.

Ariyalam Church:
Arni Christian Communication Centre is encouraging fivefold ministry at local church growth and stop to send the people to other churches because Pastors failed to build a leader. This  Church is called “Ariyalam Church” admin by Christian Communication Centre by fivefold minister.

House Church at Arni

Mr.John Ravi is a layman working in a market place. He received Christ with his whole family year of 2008 learning bible collage by Evangelical Church of India partnering mission. He started a small prayer in his home after growth of children’s and families coming to his home, so, it is became small church in his home up stair. It is dedicated as a church on 14 August 2011. Please pray for his family and his ministry journey.

Pastors Children’s notebook distribution

Focus on student of Pastors sons and daughters gives compassion to develop their educational life in their society. It is really challenging task to raise the support to smile the Children’s without burden to go home with notebook. More than 45 Pastors Children’s benefit in this project, I thank God and Supporters. It is partly distributed on 15th , 17th August through Pastors and Pastors wife to reach their Children’s.

Pastors Wife Meeting - 2011

It is first time to call for Pastors wife meeting in Arni Centre on 15:08:2011. There is discussion topic how to do ministry with your husband/Pastor with many bible women models. We really understood how Lord works through Pastors wife in the body of Church and what is their role and responsibility to develop women world.

Sis, Rebekha Ebenezer stimulate the small group how to be a wife to your husband, how to be Daughter in Law to your Mother in Law, how to be a mother to your Children’s after success those model only you will be successful Pastor wife in the ministry is the basic and pragmatic talk today. Many are convicted and confess their fault to assist in the ministry and enlighten their mind and soul.

Please write to us more feedbacks to our Centre.

Sharp Pastors Conference -2011

22,23, July 2011 Sharp Pastors Conference presented by Rev.Dr.D.Devasahayam from Church of Living God from Vellore. He gave the message of "Homiletics" to 72 Pastors in Arni, Tamil Nadu, S, India.

Church of South India, Arni Entrance.

Music Team.

 Pastor Listing Seminar. 

 Meal Time.

Certificate Distribution
 Group Photo.

Report by
Director, Arni Centre. 

Free Counseling