Fulfill the great commission through communication.


Pr.Robert came in this program to start up with Red Cross flag by prayers to move force around the land with Gospel. The work was started 6am in the entire place at once with tracts and sounds. The voice of Gospel recorded sounds went in the City, Collony and Ur (higher cast people living place) without any restriction.


Pastors meet:
13th May 2010, Thursday nearly 30 Pastors came to this meeting to discuss about the Program, some are came evening to know decision. Mr.Ablbert Christober from Jesus Impacts Ministry took prayer time to sanctify ministers by praise and personal confession and commitment.

Day of Salvation:
Day is down on 15th May 2010 to say good news to Arni people, The Pentecostal Mission (CPM) committed one third of expense of tracts printing for this program. We printed nearly 1,50,0000 copies with 36 Pastor Church Addresses and 20,000 tracts extra were given by same mission, only 2,500 remain in the Centre rest of them distributed.
36 Church groups participated, one group contain minimum 5 to maximum 25 people ministered in their respective area throughout Arni Taluk. Two Auto and Four TATA ACE Vehicle carried sound boxes and horns with by District Superintend Police permission. The recorded Gospel sound wave went those who have ears to hear until evening 8:00pm.
Reported by
Arni Christian Communication Centre


I thank God for Juha had been supporting Arni Christian Communication Centre since 2002. Juha wife name is Elina and Tyyne was born just few months before. God used Juha to support Arni Centre and through his support we started Christian Communication Centre in Arni.

God blessed our works and established Centre in various places in India. We have a head quarter in New Delhi Centre established faith only. Please support this beloved family in your prayers.
We need Supporters for other Centres too, If you like to support CENTRE please contact us.